I’m New Here

My First Visit?

Our services begin at 10:00 am and last for approximately one and a half hours. Every Sunday we worship for 30 – 40 minutes with a live band in a fun, energetic and sometimes intimate atmosphere. There is freedom here and you may see people with their hands raised worshiping (Psalm 132:2 Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the LORD). The service is always Spirit led as our Pastor follows the leading of the Holy Spirit. There is dynamic and practical teaching of the Word that you can clearly understand and apply in your day-to-day life. The gifts of the Spirit are in operation each Sunday. Each week is a new experience with our God as He leads and directs us and knows what each one of us needs each time we gather! After service we have refreshments if you would like to stay. 

What Should I Wear?

We want you to be comfortable when you visit, so wear what you’re comfortable wearing. When you’re at one of our services, you’ll see a range of styles from jeans to suits. Casual or “Sunday best” . . . it doesn’t matter. Come as you are!




Where Do My Kids Go?

Children ages 12 months through kindergarten should be brought to our secure classrooms located to the left of the entrance before church starts. You are welcome to peak in our windows outside the classes at anytime to check on your child. If your child is shy at first, no worries – we love children and you can always come to service until they are comfortable. Baby’s under 12 months are welcome in service but we do offer a moms rooms to the left of our sanctuary which offers a private two way window and speakers so you can enjoy the service. There is a rocking chair, a baby swing and a changing table with supplies. Our 1st grade – 5th grade children’s ministries are dismissed after our worship service. 6th grade and older will remain in service.